Lectures and Awards

The Klaus Grawe Lecture has been part of the program at the Annual Conference of the Section of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Association of Psychology since 2007. In cooperation with the Section of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, well-known scientists presented their results on clinical psychology, psychotherapy research and related fields. The objective was to contribute to the dissemination of clinically relevant research results to clinicians in mental health.

We also give awards for extraordinary scientific achievements and successfully disseminated evidence-based prevention and treatment programs in practice.


EU-NN Young Scientist Award 2020

Sponsored by the Klaus Grawe Foundation at the 11th Meeting of the European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) on September 5 2020, virtually held in Berlin. The award went to Dr Ling Shan from the Swaab Lab, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

(no lecture)


EU-NN Young Scientist Award 2019 and Best Poster Award 2019

Sponsored by the Klaus Grawe Foundation at the 10th Meeting of the European Narcolepsy Network, focusing on Narcolepsy and its Borderland at the University Hospital Insel in Bern. The awards went to Dr Daniela Latorre, ETH Zürich and Dr Silvia Melzi, University of Bologna, Italy.

Klaus Grawe Lecture 2019, Vergessen Sie Ihren Körper nicht – Achtsamkeit und Embodiment in der Klinischen Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (presentation)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2018, The Role of the Couple Relationship in Psychological Disorders

Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann, Universität Zürich, Switzerland

Universität Koblenz-Landau (presentation)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2017,  Sequenzielle Traumatisierung von Flüchtlingen – psychosoziale Folgen und Interventionsansätze

Prof. Dr. Christine Knaevelsrud, Department of Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin

Technical University Chemnitz (presentation)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2016,  Können wir Psychotherapie effizienter machen?

Prof. Dr. Anke Ehlers, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University

University of Bielefeld

Cognitive Therapy for PTSD: Updating Memories and Meanings of Trauma
Internet-Delivered Cognitive Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Development Pilot Series


Klaus Grawe Award 2015

Prof. John Weisz, Harvard University, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Science, and Harvard Medical School for his decades of devoted work to improving the quality of life for youth and adolescents with evidence-based treatments.

Klaus Grawe Lecture 2015,  Elfenbeintürme im Treibsand, oder was macht es so schwierig evidenz-basierte Psychotherapie in der Praxis umzusetzen?

Prof. Martin Bohus, Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim und Universität Heidelberg

Technical University of Dresden (discussion paper)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2014, The Placebo effect in the brain

Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti, Dip. di Neuroscienze, Facoltà di Medicina, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia

Technical University Braunschweig (summary)


(no lecture or award)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2012, Childhood maltreatment and depression over the life-course: integrating biological and clinical findings

Dr Andrea Danese, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UK

University Luxemburg (Think Tank Paper)


Klaus Grawe Award 2011

Prof. Dianne Chambless, PhD Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, USA, for her research in the area of evidence-basierten Psychotherapie (presentation)

The award was given at the Annual Meeting of the Section of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Association of Psychology at the Freie Universität of Berlin.

Laudatio by Prof. Babette Renneberg

Klaus Grawe Lecture 2011, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies for Anxiety Disorders and Depression: Science, Policy and Economics

Prof. David Clark, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University

University of Berlin (presentation)


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2010, Psychotherapy Research: What we reached and where we go

Prof. Michael Lambert, PhD, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, USA

University of Mainz


Klaus Grawe Award 2009

Prof. Terrie E. Moffitt, PhD, Knut Schmidt Nielsen Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, USA and Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UK for her research in the area of „Gene-Environment Interaction and Mental Health“ (presentation)

Klaus Grawe Lecture 2009, Using Couple-Based Interventions to Address Health Problems and Psychopathology

Prof. Donald H. Baucom, PhD, Richard Simpson Distinguished Professor of Psychology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA.

University of Zürich


Klaus Grawe Lecture 2008, Strengthening the Population-Level Effects of Evidence-Based Parenting Interventions

Prof Matthews R. Sanders, PhD, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

University of Potsdam (Full-Text)


Klaus Grawe Award 2007

Prof. Timothy J. Strauman, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, USA, for his research in the treatment of depression and self-regulation

Klaus Grawe Lecture 2007, Epigenetic programming of defensive responses in the offspring through variations in maternal care

Prof. Michael Meaney, McGill University, Douglas Hospital Research Centre, Montreal, Canada

University of Tübingen